October 05,2015

Press Contact:

Keith Chu (202) 224-4515 

Wyden Statement on End of TPP Negotiations

WASHINGTON - Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., ranking Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, issued the following statement on the close of negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement between the United States and 11 other Pacific nations.

“As I have said in the past, a good Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement could present important new opportunities for Oregon workers, farmers and manufacturers, and raise the bar for labor rights and environmental protections overseas,” Wyden said.

“It’s now time for Congress and the public to examine the details of the TPP and assess whether it will advance the nation’s interests.

“I’m pleased to hear reports that the deal reached today includes, for the first time, an agreement to curb currency manipulation and new and enforceable obligations on countries like Vietnam and Malaysia to uphold labor rights, including in the case of Malaysia enforceable commitments to address human trafficking. I also understand that the agreement will include commitments to stop trade in illegal wildlife and first-ever commitments on conservation.  Importantly, I understand that this deal will ensure that countries that are part of it can regulate tobacco without fearing intimidation and litigation by Big Tobacco. It has been reported the agreement includes enforceable measures to promote the free flow of digital information across borders; if accurate, those provisions could constitute an important win for the Internet and the free speech it facilitates.  Importantly, the impact of this deal must result in parties to it providing copyright exceptions and limitations known as Fair Use.  I look forward to working with the administration and stakeholders to be sure that is ultimately the case.

“In the weeks ahead, I will be examining the details of this agreement to determine whether it will provide the meaningful economic opportunities that Oregonians deserve, and that it reflects Oregon values. I look forward to the details of this agreement becoming public as soon as possible, so Oregonians and the rest of the American public can weigh in.”

Background on what happens next:

Pursuant to the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation that was coauthored by Senator Wyden, the President may not sign the agreement until 90 days after he notifies Congress that he intends to sign it. Additionally, TPA requires the President to make the entire text of the agreement public at least 60 days before he signs it.  Although TPA provides for a clear timeline for how and when Congress will consider a trade agreement like TPP, such timelines do not begin until the President submits the trade agreement to the Congress. The timing of the submission is negotiated between leaders in Congress and the President.

The TPA legislation that Wyden coauthored included negotiating guidelines championed by Wyden to instruct negotiators to seek strong provisions to curb currency manipulation, protect labor rights and the environment, and promote an open Internet.  Wyden recently wrote to the Obama Administration, making clear his views about how the trade agreement should deal with tobacco.  A copy of the letter can be found here.
