April 06,2020

Press Contact:

Ashley Schapitl (202)224-4515

Wyden Statement on DOL Guidance on the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued the following statement on the Department of Labor’s guidance to states to implement the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program:

“I’m deeply concerned that the Trump administration’s guidance to states on administering expanded unemployment insurance weakens the program in several areas. Most importantly, the guidance forces workers to wade through significant red tape to prove their eligibility, which will inevitably prevent workers from receiving assistance they desperately need and should qualify for.

“While I appreciate that Labor Department staff are working around the clock to implement the program, it’s critical that workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own don’t fall through the cracks. Congress intended for these workers to be covered. I am following up with Secretary Scalia to discuss these issues as soon as possible.”
