March 23,2017

Press Contact:

Taylor Harvey: 202-224-4515

Wyden Statement on CBO Score of Revised TrumpCare Bill

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued the statement following the release of an updated score from the Congressional Budget Office:

“While House Republicans continue to add more harmful policies to TrumpCare, today’s score shows the bill is getting worse, not better,” Wyden said. “They are breaking their promises not to weaken Medicare, not to increase premiums for seniors, and not to make any American worse off when it comes to health care. 

“What this report does not yet show are the terrible consequences of stripping away access to essential health benefits like maternity care, hospital stays and prescription drug coverage: protections that Republicans are currently using as a bargaining chip.

“There’s nothing in this report that should make congressional Republicans feel more comfortable supporting this disastrous health care bill.”
