June 24,2015

Wyden: Senate Passes Trade Package to Fight for American Jobs and American Values

WASHINGTON –Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today praised the passage of trade legislation in the U.S. Senate to allow the President to complete trade agreements, and the expected passage of a bill to expand key worker assistance programs. The Trade Promotion Authority bill passed 60-38, on a bipartisan vote.

“Today the U.S. Senate voted on a bipartisan basis to step into the ring with the world and fight for the best deals for American workers and employers, instead of retreating to our corner,” Wyden said.

“From the beginning, President Obama and I have been committed to crafting the most progressive trade legislation ever. Better trade bills produce better trade agreements. So I’m proud to say this trade package will create the opportunity for new, good-paying jobs, to strengthen support for American workers, and to give our trade laws the teeth they need to crack down on trade cheats.

“The trade package the Senate passed today will end the race to the bottom on labor, human rights, the environment and promote an open Internet. This framework raises the bar on all of the values that Oregonians and Americans hold dear.

“This is a blueprint for trade done right.”

TPA now goes to the President for his signature, while TAA is expected to pass the House on Thursday. A customs and enforcement bill is expected to be finalized in early July.

View Wyden’s remarks on Trade Adjustment Assistance and enforcement here. Learn more about his work to throw out the 1990s playbook on trade here.
