March 17,2017

Wyden Raises Concerns After Reports that Fired U.S. Attorney Was Investigating Tom Price’s Stock Trades

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued a statement following news reports that Preet Bharara, the recently fired U.S. Attorney for the South District of New York, may have been investigating Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tom Price’s stock trading activity:

“I’m concerned that by firing U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, the Trump Administration may be shutting down an investigation into Secretary Tom Price’s stock trading,” Wyden said. “Republicans rushed Secretary Price’s nomination through the Senate without getting answers to serious questions about his stock trades involving a tiny biotech startup with powerful Washington connections and other health care companies. The American public deserves a full investigation of whether Tom Price used his public position for personal profit.”

The revelation, first made public by ProPublica, comes after now-HHS Secretary Price faced significant scrutiny throughout the confirmation process about his stock trades – in particular a small Australian biotech company, Innate Immunotherapeutics. Wyden delivered a detailed statement during the Senate floor debate outlining the unanswered ethical and legal questions regarding Secretary Price’s stock trades.
