June 01,2020

Press Contact:

Ashley Schapitl (202)224-4515

WYDEN: McConnell Comments Show Urgent Need for Triggers for Unemployment Benefits

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued the following statement in reaction to Leader Mitch McConnell’s statement that the next COVID-19 relief bill would be the last relief bill:

“With Mitch McConnell pledging that the next COVID-19 relief package will be the last, Democrats must make triggers for unemployment benefits non-negotiable. While it’s grossly irresponsible for McConnell to threaten to arbitrarily cut off aid in the worst economic crisis in a century, Democrats must be clear eyed. If Donald Trump loses re-election, Republicans will return to economic sabotage and fake deficit hysteria. 

“Republicans will prolong financial pain for millions of Americans without a second thought if they think it will result in electoral gain, just as they did during the Obama administration. Failure to implement triggers now will make it exponentially harder to ensure economic recovery and pass legislation to address our many challenges, from protecting Social Security to lowering prescription drug prices.”
