August 30,2016

Press Contact:

Ryan Carey: 202-224-4515

Wyden Comment on European Commission Ruling in Apple State Aid Case

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued the following statement on the European Commission’s ruling in the state aid case involving Apple:

"It is extremely concerning that the European Commission has effectively stepped outside the terms of existing bilateral tax treaties to hand an American firm a massive, retroactive tax bill. Right now countries ought to be working in partnership to prevent tax evasion and crack down on the unfair practices that have eroded tax bases in the U.S. and around the world, but today's ruling could make that kind of partnership more difficult. This ruling could set a dangerous precedent that undermines our tax treaties and paints a target on American firms in the eyes of foreign governments. Furthermore, because of the way our outdated tax laws work, American taxpayers could be on the hook for a big portion of this penalty. My colleagues and I on the Finance Committee will continue to work with the Treasury Department and monitor this case as any appeal moves forward."
