April 18,2016

Wyden Calls for Swift Response to Chinese Aluminum Market Manipulation

WASHINGTON - Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., called on the administration to stand up to China’s market-distorting trade policies and support a new case by the United Steelworkers to defend U.S. aluminum producers.  

“There’s a huge overcapacity in China driven by market distorting government policies. Even with the economic slowdown, China’s central government simply cannot shake its addiction to propping up its manufacturers by making more and more aluminum and burning more Chinese coal,” Wyden said.

“The results ripple around the world and end in economic devastation across the United States. America is badly in need of a bulwark against this economic tidal wave. That’s why I’m standing in lockstep with the United Steelworkers. Without immediate economic relief, the U.S. is in danger of losing thousands of good, family-wage jobs across the country. The administration should act as soon as possible to defend our workers and businesses from economic ruin.”

Wyden's full remarks as delivered on the Senate floor can be found here.
