January 22,2015

Press Contact:

Lindsey Held: 202-224-4515

Wyden Calls for Policies to Grow Paychecks for Working Families

Ranking Democrat from Oregon Says Finance Committee Must Focus on Middle Class

WASHINGTON –Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., at a hearing today said the committee must focus on pursuing policies that will boost incomes and create good-paying jobs for all Americans. The hearing, “Jobs and a Healthy Economy,” focused on charting an agenda for the Finance Committee that would bolster the U.S. economy and ensure all Americans share in the recovery.

“Here’s my bottom line: When working families see bigger paychecks, America’s economic recovery will go from a walk to a run,” Wyden said. “As Congress begins to look at overhauling the tax code, addressing America’s infrastructure crisis, getting more students into college and making businesses more competitive in a cutthroat global economy, we must ask, ‘How will these policies grow the paycheck?’

“The Finance Committee will have a starring role shaping these policies in the coming months and years. I look forward to coming together on a bipartisan basis to ensure that working Americans are sharing in the recovery and getting bigger paychecks.”

While the U.S. economy has shown promising signs of a recovering job market and improved growth since the Great Recession, there are still outstanding challenges that prevent all Americans from sharing in the recovery. Many workers have faced stagnant wages for decades, and too many Americans are out of work who might otherwise bring home a paycheck. By working towards policies that address these challenges, the Finance Committee can help create more jobs, encourage wage growth and foster a healthy economic environment for American businesses and families.

Wyden’s full statement is available here. The video is available here.
