February 19,2019

Press Contact:

Keith Chu (202) 224-4515

Wyden Calls for Immediate Release of Commerce Report on Potential Auto Tariffs

Washington, D.C. – Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued the following statement after the White House refused to release an investigation report on whether imported autos represent a threat to national security:

“American families, small businesses, farmers and ranchers have a right to know what Donald Trump is considering when it comes to slapping tariffs on cars and trucks and even on parts used to assemble autos in the U.S. To me, the notion that importing autos and parts is a threat to our country’s national security is a tough sell. 

“The president needs to make public his administration’s report on whether it believes imports of autos and auto parts are a threat to our national security, and whether it’s considering tariffs or import restrictions. One sure way to encourage Congress to limit Donald Trump’s authority on trade matters is to essentially tax imported cars and trucks under a rationale that is as dubious as the one he is making to build a wall on America’s southern border.”
