May 01,2017

Press Contact:

Keith Chu - 202-224-4515

Wyden Applauds Spending Bill For Keeping Commitment on Miners’ Health Benefits, USTR Waiver

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today praised the inclusion of a permanent extension of health benefits for coal miners, as well as a waiver to allow Robert Lighthizer to legally serve as U.S. Trade Representative, in the federal spending bill released today. Wyden secured a commitment from Finance Chairman Orrin Hatch to extend the miners’ benefits, as well as the Lighthizer waiver, as part of the spending bill:

“This spending bill follows through on the commitment Finance Committee Chairman Hatch and I made to protect American workers, in particular by providing permanent health care coverage for mine workers who faced disaster without congressional action," Wyden said. "As a result, I am pleased to support a legislative waiver to allow Robert Lighthizer to lawfully serve as U.S. Trade Representative, which is also included in the omnibus bill. Senator Manchin deserves particular credit for fighting to include this provision, as well as my Finance Committee colleagues Sen. Brown, Sen. Casey and Sen. Warner.”
