June 29,2017

Press Contact:

Contact: Taylor Harvey (202) 224-4515

Trumpcare Means Higher Costs for Less Coverage

Under Trumpcare, Millions of Americans Would Have High Deductibles or High Premiums In Return for Less Health Care

Washington, D.C. – Trumpcare will devastate millions of Americans by saddling them with higher health care costs through steep deductibles or sky-high premiums for health insurance.

How much higher could deductibles go? The deductible for an average benchmark plan would go from $3,500 to $6,000, and would cover far fewer services.

But for many middle class families, it gets worse. The CBO report found that many would have to make an impossible choice between a plan with lower premiums and a massive deductible that won’t cover key health care, or sky-high premiums that will be unaffordable for the vast majority of Americans. That’s because Republicans have tied the value of their tax credits to low-value, bargain basement plans that let insurance companies pay less while patients pay more.

Higher deductibles and unaffordable premiums? What did Trump say about that?

Trump tweetTrump tweet

Another health care promise broken.

The Trumpcare bargain: Higher costs for less coverage and worse care. Unless you’re one of the 400 wealthiest people in the country getting a $7 million tax cut instead.
