August 17,2017

Press Contact:

Keith Chu

To Protect U.S. Jobs, Oregon Lawmakers Press For Action Against Surge of Solar Panel Imports

Washington, D.C. Sen. Ron Wyden, Rep. Suzanne Bonamici and Rep. Peter DeFazio, today called for a strong response to the surge of cheap solar panel imports that have devastated U.S. solar panel manufacturers.

The Oregon lawmakers wrote to the U.S. International Trade Commission in support of a petition by Hillsboro’s SolarWorld and California-based Suniva, two U.S. solar manufacturers threatened by overcapacity in China, Vietnam, Malaysia, and other foreign nations.

“Surging imports and massive overproduction have led to the near destruction of the remaining solar producers in America,” the lawmakers wrote. “Thousands of high-paying, high-tech manufacturing jobs have been lost, severely impacting families, communities and our future technology leadership.”

Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer and Rep. Kurt Schrader also signed on to the letter.

Sen. Wyden and Oregon lawmakers supported trade cases in 2012 and 2014 that led to steep tariffs against illegally subsidized and dumped Chinese solar panels; however, global overcapacity continues to hammer American companies. The current petition, brought under Section 201 of the Trade Act, could allow for broad action against imports from any nation, to safeguard U.S. workers and employers from the current surge in imported panels.

Read the full letter here.

