October 03,2001

Statement on Representative Thomas' Trade Promotion Authority Legislation

Statement by Senator Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Thomas Legislation to Renew Trade Promotion Authority for the President
Wednesday, October 3, 2001

The bipartisan legislation unveiled today by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Thomas to renew the President’s trade promotion authority is a serious initiative that would give the President the policy guidance and negotiating tools he needs to aggressively seek marketopening, tariff-cutting trade agreements that benefit America’s working families, farmers, and entrepreneurs, while fully preserving Congress’ oversight authority on trade negotiations.

The bipartisan effort that produced this bill reminds us that the United States has long benefitted from widely shared convictions about trade policy goals. These shared convictions have allowed the United States to help create and lead a global trading system that has brought us great prosperity and fostered peace and freedom around the world. Most importantly, this bipartisan proposal brings us closer to achieving our most important trade policy goal: renewing the President’s trade promotion authority this year.