July 08,2004

Statement of Senator Max Baucus Regarding the World Trade Organization Dispute with China and Semiconductor Use

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont) issued the following statement in response to the settlement of the World Trade Organization dispute with China concerning semiconductors:

“China’s policy of rebating taxes to domestic semiconductor companies gave an unfair advantage to Chinese companies. I made that point repeatedly to China’s leaders during my visit to that country in March. I’m really pleased that with the successful conclusion of this WTO case, U.S. semiconductor manufacturers can look forward to competing on an even playing field with their Chinese competitors.

“The positive outcome of this WTO case tells me that the United States should be bringing more WTO cases. I think we are sometimes too willing to talk about how other countries violate their WTO commitments and not willing enough to take action. There is no shortage of cases to bring, especially in the area of intellectual property. For instance, I was concerned to learn this morning that China’s State Intellectual Property Office has invalidated the patent on Viagra.

“I urge the Administration to follow up this success with action on other fronts. Enforcing our existing trade agreements more aggressively will open markets for U.S. products, increase opportunities for U.S. farmers, workers, and businesses, and create jobs.”