December 19,2008

Senator Grassley comments on the selection of Ron Kirk for U.S. Trade Representative


TO: Reporters and Editors

FR: Jill Kozeny, 202-224-1308 for U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa

RE: nomination of U.S. Trade Representative

DA: Friday, December 19, 2008

Senator Chuck Grassley, Ranking Member of the Committee on Finance, which has jurisdiction over international trade, made the comment below regarding today’s announcement by President-elect Barack Obama that he will nominate former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk to be U.S. Trade Representative. The nomination must be approved by the Finance Committee as part of the Senate confirmation process.

“I look forward to working with Mayor Kirk through the confirmation process. I hope to hear that he’s planning a pro-active trade agenda. With the condition of the economy, we need more than ever to work for new markets for American manufacturers, farmers, service suppliers and workers.

“I’m also looking for clear signs from the President-elect that trade expansion will play a central role in his economic agenda. A very good first step would be confirming that the U.S. Trade Representative will have rank as a member of his Cabinet.

“Expanded international trade can play an important part in economic recovery. The country needs an engaged U.S. Trade Representative who has a mandate to drive an ambitious program to expand market access opportunities for exporters.”