April 07,2022

Senate Approves Crapo Bills to Take Firm, Comprehensive Action Against Russia

Senate passes legislation by vote of 100-0 to revoke normal trade relations, ban oil imports

Washington, D.C.--Today, the U.S. Senate passed a pair of bills, by a vote of 100 to 0, championed by U.S. Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) to take firm, comprehensive action against Vladimir Putin for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  Crapo’s legislation revokes Russia’s trade status and enacts a ban on Russian oil, demonstrating to the Ukrainian people and NATO allies that Congress is committed to cutting off Russia’s funding for its war effort.  Shortly after Senate passage, the U.S. House of Representatives also passed the bills.  They now head to President Biden’s desk for signature.  

“[T]his Chamber’s efforts reflect the best of what Ukraine desperately seeks to preserve, and that which Vladimir Putin is determined to destroy: freedom and representative government. 

“This legislation strikes directly at Putin, and cuts off the lifeblood for his war machine and his autocracy by banning U.S. imports of Russian energy products, including petroleum, natural gas and coal.  

“It places Russia and Belarus in the same pariah trade status as North Korea and Cuba. 

“The congressional action, including the certification criteria in the bills, is critical because it signifies a standing commitment to the Ukrainian people and to our NATO allies that is more durable than Putin’s machinations in Ukraine.    

“This legislation will inspire our allies to take similar actions against Russia.  As President Zelensky told us when he asked for the ban--'[i]t can be called an embargo, or it can be just morality.’ 

“Because this legislation is so critical to the support of Ukraine, we must act in unison on these bills, and call on Speaker Pelosi to promptly vote on the legislation in the House--where it will also receive a resounding vote in favor.”   

Click here to read full remarks.  Click here to watch.  

Senator Crapo has been pushing for weeks to both revoke Russia’s favored nations trade status and ban energy imports, actions that reflect a bipartisan, bicameral agreement reached in March by the leaders of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee and U.S. House Ways and Means Committee.  Today’s legislative success delivers an unmistakable message to Putin: no relief until you stop your aggression and recognize Ukraine’s inalienable right to live free and choose its leaders.   


(March 9) Crapo, Wyden Introduce Bill to Respond to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

(March 11) Crapo: Congress Should Act Quickly on Bipartisan Legislation to Suspend Trade Relations with Russia

(March 17): Crapo: To Hold Putin Accountable, Congress Must Pass PNTR Suspension and Russian Oil Ban

(March 23) Crapo: We Must Take Firm, Comprehensive Action Against Russia

(April 6) Crapo Commends Agreement to Revoke Russia Trade Relations, Ban Oil 


H.R. 7108: Suspension of Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus TEXT 

Suspension of Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus 

  • Removes the favorable tariff treatment that Russia and Belarus presently enjoy by instead applying the tariffs in “Column 2” of the U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule.  Presently, only imports from Cuba and North Korea are subject to Column 2 treatment.  
  • Allows the president to further raise tariffs on Russia and Belarus, following consultation with the House Ways and Means and Senate Finance committees, until January 1, 2024.  

Resumption of Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus 

  • Allows the president to temporarily or permanently restore the prior tariff treatment (Column 1) with Russia and/or Belarus if the president submits a certification to Congress.
    • The certification has requirements regarding the status of respective country’s agreement for withdrawal of forces and cessation of military hostilities against Ukraine, its threat of aggression against any NATO members; and its recognition of the right of the people of Ukraine to independently and freely choose their own government.
    • Prior to issuing the certification, the President must consult with the House Ways and Means, House Foreign Affairs, Senate Finance, and Senate Foreign Relations committees.
    • The certification is subject to a congressional disapproval resolution.  

Cooperation and Accountability at the World Trade Organization  

  • Requires the United States trade representative to use the influence of the United States at the World Trade Organization to condemn the recent aggression in Ukraine, encourage other WTO members to suspend trade concessions with Russia and Belarus, consider steps to suspend Russia’s participation in the WTO, and halt Belarus’ accession to the WTO.  

Global Magnitsky Language 

  • The Global Magnitsky language has been replaced with a restoration of the original, narrower language, with the only change to the statute being a repeal of the existing statute’s sunset provision.  It retains the gross violations of internationally recognized human rights standard which is previously defined in code.  

H.R. 6968: Prohibition on Importation of Energy Products of the Russian Federation TEXT 

  • Bans imports of Russian energy products, including petroleum, coal, and natural gas, in a manner consistent with Executive Order 14066.  
  • The President can terminate the import ban if the President submits a certification to Congress.
    • The certification has requirements regarding the status of respective country’s agreement for withdrawal of forces and cessation of military hostilities against Ukraine, its threat of aggression against any NATO members; and its recognition of the right of the people of Ukraine to independently and freely choose their own government.
    • Prior to issuing the certification, the President must consult with the House Ways and Means, House Foreign Affairs, Senate Finance, and Senate Foreign Relations committees.
    • The certification is subject to a congressional disapproval resolution