March 23,2012

Press Contact:

Julia Lawless, Antonia Ferrier, 202.224.4515

Hatch Statement on Two-Year Anniversary of Unconstitutional, $2.6 Trillion Health Spending Law

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee, issued the following statement today on the second anniversary of the President’s unconstitutional, $2.6 trillion health spending law:

“We’re now two years removed from the signing of this budget-busting, unconstitutional law that has hit the American people with more than $500 billion in new tax hikes and increased already out-of-control health costs. The one-size-fits-all mandates and burdensome regulations have tied the hands of our job creators and threatened the individual rights of states. It puts bureaucrats between patients and doctors --- all while putting our already fragile entitlements on an even worse fiscal footing. And at a time when we need to put a straightjacket on Washington spending, this law will add $701 billion to our nation’s already bloated deficit.

“Contrary to the wishful thinking of this Administration, the more the American people learn about the law, the less they like it – with more than half of the public now supporting full repeal. So, on the second anniversary of the health spending law, Americans across the country are, unfortunately, reminded of the failures of a misguided health care overhaul and of countless broken promises coming out of this White House. With the Supreme Court set to be examining the constitutionality of the law next week, I am committed to ensuring this economically destructive law is fully repealed. It’s past time this Congress start down the road to real reform and address the number one concern of the American people: skyrocketing health care costs.”

NOTE: Hatch has championed efforts in Congress to repeal the new health law.  He has supported legislation to repeal the law in its entirety as well as introduced legislation to repeal: the unconstitutional individual mandate (S. 19); the job-crushing employer mandate (S.20); and the medical device tax (S. 17). Hatch was also the first U.S. senator to publicly state that the individual insurance mandate contained in partisan law is unconstitutional. The U.S. Supreme Court will consider the constitutionality of the $2.6 trillion health law next week.
