February 04,2011

Press Contact:

Julia Lawless, Antonia Ferrier (202) 224-4515

Hatch Statement on Selection as Ranking Republican on Senate Finance Committee

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) issued the following statement today after the Senate last night formally ratified his selection to serve as Ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee:

“I’m deeply humbled by the trust and faith that my colleagues have placed in me to serve as the lead Republican on the Senate Finance Committee.  This committee creates policies and oversees federal agencies that impact the lives of each and every American from taxes and trade to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.  Moving forward, I pledge to work and consult with my colleagues to advance a strong agenda that meets the demands of our great nation. 

“The American people sent a clear message that Congress must get our nation’s fiscal house in order.  Overseeing over 50 percent of the federal budget, the Finance Committee will be central to accomplishing that goal.  We must start the conversation of reforming our nation’s entitlements so they aren’t just an empty promise our children and grandchildren pay for, but never see.  We have to undertake meaningful tax reform and lower our nation’s tax burden, simplifying the tax code and making it more efficient.   Expanding access to overseas markets through trade agreements is a critical tool to helping put America back to work.  These are areas where the Finance Committee will play a leadership role to help move America forward, and I welcome the opportunity to work with Chairman Baucus and all the members of the committee on these critical issues. 

“Chairman Baucus has a proven track record of working across the aisle.  He’s a leader with whom I’ve always had a productive relationship built on mutual respect.  I look forward to working with him to allow the committee to fully conduct its due diligence and oversight role so the American people have a full understanding of how federal policies, regulations and agencies impact their lives.

“Lastly, I have very large shoes to fill.  Chuck Grassley has been a leader like no other in fighting principled fights for lower taxes, expanding trade opportunities for American companies and workers, and being a watchdog for the public interest.  Through it all, he always puts Iowa first.  I’m proud to call him a friend and colleague, and I know he will continue to be a strong and forceful influence on the Finance Committee.  He will bring the same leadership, strength and conviction that define everything he does to his new and critically important role on the Judiciary Committee.”