June 08,2012

Press Contact:

Julia Lawless, Antonia Ferrier, 202.224.4515

Hatch on President’s Speech on the Economy

Utah Senator Says, “Blaming everyone but himself for his failed economic agenda that’s added trillions to the debt, frozen job creation at record levels, and stalled businesses expansion is neither a plan nor a solution to the challenges facing our nation today.”

SALT LAKE CITY – U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee, issued the following statement after President Obama delivered remarks today on the economy:

“With all due respect to the President, his speech felt more like an episode of the Twilight Zone than a real economic plan to get America back to work.   This is a reality where the private sector is doing just fine; Europe is the real problem; and spending more money we don’t have is the answer.  The President should take a page from Harry Truman who famously said ‘the buck stops here,’ because blaming everyone but himself for his failed economic agenda that’s added trillions to the debt, frozen job creation at record levels, and stalled businesses expansion is neither a plan nor a solution to the challenges facing our nation today.  

“The American people deserve real presidential leadership to make the tough choices and enact real pro-growth policies and reforms to create lasting economic growth that will provide our children and grandchildren with a bright future.   Unfortunately, the President spent more time talking about reforms in Europe than he did about much-needed reforms here in America.  Mr. President, it’s time to stop campaigning and finally get in the game to work to prevent the largest tax hike in history that would hit every single tax-paying American and further weaken our struggling economy.”
