July 26,2001

Grassley Receives Major International Trade Award

WASHINGTON – Sen. Chuck Grassley, ranking member of the Committee on Finance, has
received the “Distinguished Service Award” from the Washington International Trade Association
and the Washington International Trade Foundation.

Grassley received the award as a “dedicated public servant” who has made a “truly
outstanding contribution in the field of international trade policy,” according to the trade groups.
Specifically, the groups cited Grassley’s work on congressional approval last year of permanent
normal trade relations status for China and the removal of market access abroad to exports of
American agricultural products.

Grassley was one of two members of Congress to receive the groups’ “Distinguished Service
Award.” The other recipient was Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan. Rep. Phil Crane of Illinois
received the “Lifetime Achievement Award.”

Grassley said he was honored to receive the award. “The best way I could show my gratitude
for this award is to help deliver trade promotion authority for the President this year,” Grassley said.
“Trade promotion authority would open doors all over the world for American products.”

Grassley said he is continuing to work with Sen. Max Baucus, Finance Committee chairman,
to craft a bipartisan trade promotion authority bill this year.

The Washington International Trade Association describes itself as having more than 850
members who are dedicated to providing a neutral forum for the open discussion of international
trade and economic and financial issues.
