December 22,2009

Grassley Named One of 2009’s Most Influential People in Business Ethics

WASHINGTON – Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa is no. 16 on a list of 100 individuals who this year “impacted the world of business ethics in ways that will continue to resonate for many years.”

The Ethisphere Institute describes itself as “a leading international think-tank dedicated to the creation, advancement and sharing of best practices in business ethics, corporate social responsibility, anti-corruption and sustainability.”

Its citation of Grassley reads, “Grassley’s is a leading voice in the Senate speaking out against corruption and financial fraud. Even before the financial crisis of last year, Grassley’s name always seemed to come up in financial fraud stories. He is aware of what’s going on and is aggressively going after those that commit fraud.”

Grassley has conducted significant oversight of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s enforcement work, the financial relationship between the prescription drug industry and academic researchers, and the government’s implementation of the financial bail-out, among other topics. He is the Senate author of the 1986 whistleblower provisions to the federal False Claims Act. The provisions help to expose and stop corporate fraud against the government. The total amount recovered through the False Claims Act since the 1986 provisions were signed into law is now more than $24 billion.

Grassley is ranking member and former chairman of the Committee on Finance.

The full Ethisphere list is available at influential-people-in-business-ethics/
