August 02,2007

Grassley: IRS/Treasury Ideas for Closing Tax Gap are Helpful, Will Require Follow-through

Sen. Chuck Grassley, ranking member of the Committee on Finance, today made the following comment on a report from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Treasury Department, “Reducing the Federal Tax Gap.”

“This provides a good beginning to addressing a problem that’s hurt our nation's finances for decades. I appreciate the Administration’s efforts. It’s good that the report tries to preserve the balance of providing taxpayers good service while targeting enforcement at those who choose to disregard our nation’s tax laws. Now begins the hard work of making it all happen. That burden falls on the IRS, Treasury, and Justice, as well as the Congress. Too often, I’ve seen the best of intentions run into the brick wall of reality. Congress needs to conduct close oversight of the implementation of today’s report. Congress also needs to do its part and act on the legislative proposals in the President’s budget that will help in closing the tax gap and work with Treasury on future efforts to simplify the tax code.”
