December 16,2009

Press Contact:

Jill Kozeny, 202/224-1308

Jill Gerber, 202/224-6522

Grassley Disappointed Over Languishing of Biodiesel Tax Credit Extension Under Democratic Leaders

Sen. Chuck Grassley, ranking member and former chairman of the Committee on Finance, today made the following comment on the languishing of the extension of the biodiesel tax credit.

“As committee chairman and author of the biodiesel tax credit, I understood the need to keep the tax credit current. Now, Democratic leaders are dropping the ball, despite their stated interest in alternative energy and green jobs. Between this tax credit lapse and the regulatory inaction by the EPA, the biodiesel industry will lose an estimated 23,000 good-paying, green jobs if the Administration and Democratic leaders don’t act quickly. The President has said he’s a major supporter of biofuels and green jobs. The President and Democratic leaders should act before the end of the year to preserve the tens of thousands of jobs in the U.S. biodiesel industry. This lack of action so far is especially inexcusable, considering the House and Senate have been in session nearly continuously for months. Supporters of the U.S. biodiesel market and the jobs it creates need to continue making our case to Democratic leaders so that, eventually, they will act responsibly and continue this much-needed tax incentive.

“The Senate had to step in last year and the year before when the House tried to diminish the wind-energy production tax credit, so it's fair to question the commitment of the House leadership to developing new forms of energy. These are important policies for building energy independence.”
