March 25,2010

Grassley: Democrats Irresponsibly Block Paid-for Extension of Unemployment Insurance, COBRA, Doctors’ Fix


TO: Reporters and Editors
RE: Unemployment extension, COBRA, Doc Fix
DA: March 25, 2010

Senator Chuck Grassley released the following statement after the Democrats twice blocked his efforts to extend unemployment and COBRA benefits and take care of theMedicare cut that doctors across the country will be hit with if the extension doesn’t pass.

“I offered a bill that extended unemployment and COBRA benefits and took care of the Medicare cut that doctors across the country will be hit with if the extension doesn’t pass,and I paid for it. A win-win for everybody. It’s a shame the Democrats are filibusteringthis much needed help. I also offered this fully-offset package as an amendment to thereconciliation bill that the House just voted on and is now on its way to the President’sdesk. But, the majority blocked both opportunities to help those in need without addingto the deficit. My bill would help those who are still feeling the impact of a downeconomy and it wouldn’t add to the national debt we’re leaving to our kids and grandkids. Unfortunately, the majority decided they would once again rather make apolitical point than pass a bill and fix the problem.”