July 12,2022

Crapo Statement at Treasury and HHS Nominations Hearing

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, delivered the following remarks at hearing to consider the nominations of Jay Shambaugh for Treasury Under Secretary for International Affairs and Rebecca Haffajee for Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.  

The text of Ranking Member Crapo’s remarks, as prepared, is below. 

“Thank you, Senator Wyden. “Welcome Dr. Shambaugh and Dr. Haffajee and congratulations on your nominations. 

“Dr. Shambaugh, in terms of tax issues, the OECD negotiations could have significant international economic consequences and this important position could be involved in advising on the economic effects of the OECD agreement and projected implementation. 

“I hope you will share your insights on the effect of the OECD agreement on U.S. businesses and U.S. revenue and any other analysis of the potential effects of the OECD agreement.  Additionally, I look forward to hearing your perspectives on the current international economic environment, including the interplay between fiscal policy, energy policy, and the 40-year high inflation which is afflicting Americans today. 

“Turning to Dr. Haffajee, you have written extensively on the health impacts of marijuana legalization, opioid addiction treatment, and public health emergencies, among other issues.  Please share your perspectives on these issues, as well as how, should you be confirmed, you will challenge the Administration to evaluate programs in these and other areas fairly and with close attention to what the facts indicate, rather than what political agendas might dictate. 

“I remind both nominees that the success of the Departments of Treasury and Health and Human Services depends on a strong partnership with Congress, which includes transparency and consultation with our offices.  This is true not just because of the authority Congress has delegated, but because members are well positioned to understand the needs of our constituents. 

“I ask both nominees today to confirm that they will be attentive to members of this Committee, and indeed the broader Senate, should they be confirmed. 

“I look forward to hearing the nominees’ testimony and their responses to questions.”