June 04,2024

Crapo Statement at Hearing to Consider Nominations for Treasury Inspector General and Tax Court Judges

Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) delivered the following remarks at a hearing to consider the nominations of James Ives to be Inspector General of the U.S. Department of the Treasury and Rose Jenkins, Adam Landy and Kashi Way to be Judges on the U.S. Tax Court. 

As prepared for delivery:

“Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and welcome to our four nominees: Mr. Ives, Ms. Jenkins, Mr. Landy and Mr. Way.

“Congratulations on your nominations and thank you all for your willingness to serve.

“Today, we will first hear from James Ives who is nominated to serve as Inspector General of the Treasury Department.

“This position is responsible for keeping both the Treasury Secretary and Congress fully and currently informed about the problems and deficiencies relating to the administration of Treasury Department programs and operations, including the necessity for corrective action.

“Mr. Ives, given your depth of experience in the Inspector General community, you are undoubtedly aware of the importance of oversight and accountability within the Executive Branch. 

“If confirmed, it will be your duty to lead efforts to investigate criminal activity and employee misconduct at Treasury’s Bureaus; combat waste, fraud and abuse; and detect and deter fraud tied to pandemic-related legislation and other Treasury operations.  

“I will be counting on an effective Inspector General to monitor these issues and ensure a professional level of work at the IG’s office.

“Now, moving to the other three nominees under consideration today: Ms. Jenkins, Mr. Landy and Mr. Way, who have been nominated to the United States Tax Court.

“The Tax Court is committed to providing taxpayers, most of whom are self-represented, with a reasonable opportunity to challenge the IRS, with as little inconvenience and expense as is practicable.

“If taxpayers have a disagreement with the IRS, the Tax Court serves as a venue to get a fair, impartial and efficient hearing. 

“The Tax Court plays a central role in the maintenance of our tax laws, the complexity of which requires highly-skilled judges.

“It is the Finance Committee’s responsibility to ensure that judges nominated to serve on the Tax Court are prepared to tackle these complex issues. 

“These positions are especially important to uphold public trust in the tax system, which American taxpayers expect and deserve. 

“I thank each of the nominees for their dedication to our country, and I look forward to hearing your testimony.

“Thank you, Mr. Chairman.”