September 24,2024

Crapo Statement at Hearing on Women's Health

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Mike Crapo delivered the following remarks at a hearing entitled “Chaos and Control: How Trump Criminalized Women’s Health Care.” 

As prepared for delivery:

“Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

“Before I begin my opening statement, let me address the fact that the Senate Finance Committee has never had a non-sitting President’s name in its hearing title, which should tell us all we need to know about the reason for this hearing.

“Since its earliest origins, the practice of medicine has been grounded in the Hippocratic Oath. 

“Often colloquially distilled into ‘first, do no harm,’ the code of medical ethics is far more complex, rooted in compassion and humility.  Across the country, thousands of providers commit to upholding these principles, to treat all patients, all lives, with profound respect.

“When a provider serves a pregnant woman, this philosophy applies to two lives. 

“Mrs. Joshua, your experience is unacceptable.  Fear and ignorance should never drive clinical decision-making.  Let me be perfectly clear—seeking care for a miscarriage is not an abortion.

“Similarly, to the families and loved ones of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller, you have my deepest sympathies.  Their deaths were preventable, and it is incumbent on us all to ensure no lives are lost under similar circumstances.

“The subject of abortion touches our moral and ethical core.  The conversation demands respect, and the rhetoric must be accurate.  Anything short risks sowing confusion with potentially devastating consequences.

“Unfortunately, as demonstrated by the overtly partisan nature of the title, it appears that the purpose of today’s hearing is to score political points against the former President.

“In 2022, the Supreme Court appropriately ruled abortion policy should be determined by states and, importantly, their residents.

“Since that time, a number of states have passed laws that reflect their values, either through legislatures or ballot initiatives.

“Unsurprisingly, Idaho and Oregon have taken different approaches, as they do on many issues.

“And I will say, Mr. Chairman, Idaho does not break federal law.

“However, regardless of divergent views on abortion, everyone on this dais agrees that life is precious. 

“Women and children, including unborn children, deserve high-quality health care from professionals who are equipped to both share in the joy of pregnancy and react to unforeseen complications.

“As a board-certified OB/GYN, Dr. Francis is here to discuss her work educating physicians on life-affirming care.  As an accomplished attorney, Ms. Hacker will share her deep understanding of state abortion laws. 

“Together, their testimony will seek to clarify the facts surrounding this debate.

“Abortion is unlike any other policy issue.  Positions are shaped by our experiences, tied to our ethical philosophies, and rarely simplistic. 

“As we move forward with our conversation today, I encourage all my colleagues to remember the Hippocratic Oath, and to approach this discussion with compassion and humility.”