November 06,2003

Baucus Statement: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Votes 13-5 to Lift Cuba Travel Ban

"We've reached yet another milestone today in our fight to lift the Cuba travel ban. I ampleased by today's Foreign Relations Committee passage of S. 950, a bill to end the Cuba travelban, by an overwhelming vote of 13-5. When Senator Enzi, Senator Dorgan and I introducedthis legislation earlier this year, we knew we would have a good response. But we had no ideathe response and support would be this overwhelming.

Just two weeks ago, fifty- nine Senators voted for an amendment to stop enforcement ofthe travel ban. That same amendment passed the House, and we fully expect it will be includedin the final conference report and sent to the President's desk.

Now that the Foreign Relations Committee has expressed its support for ending the travelban to Cuba, I will push hard for floor consideration. The Senate has clearly spoken on this issue– as has the House. It is time to use common sense and end a policy that intrudes on the rights ofU.S. citizens and weakens the prospect for democratic reform in Cuba."