February 27,2003

Baucus Statement Regarding U.S. Tax Court Nominee Harry A. Haines

I am proud to announce the nomination of Harry A. Haines, of Montana, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court.

Mr. Haines has led a distinguished career and is deserving of this honorable appointment. As a native of Montana, Mr. Haines has focused his career on practicing law in Montana and has served on the U.S. District Court (1964), the U.S. Tax Court (1971) and the Montana Supreme Court (1964.) A graduate of the University of Montana School of Law and New York Universities Masters in Tax Law program, he has taught at both alma maters and practiced law at the Firm of Worden, Thane & Haines in Missoula, Montana.

I wholeheartedly support the nomination of Mr. Haines to the U.S. Tax Court for a fifteen year term. His commitment to the field is unquestionable and I know he will serve Montana and U.S. taxpayers well.