September 05,2006

Baucus Statement on McClellan Resignation

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.), ranking Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, today issued the following statement regarding the resignation of Dr. Mark McClellan as Director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS):

“Mark’s knowledge of medicine, economics, and health policy made him suited to lead CMS during the initial implementation of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit. Transitioning to the drug benefit has been rocky at times, but he has shown a willingness to go back and fix mistakes so as to make the benefit work for seniors.


“Mark has also worked with me to advance quality and pay-for-performance systems that can help rescue America's ailing health care system. His successor will have big shoes to fill, and will need the same level of expertise, commitment, and focus on quality to prepare Medicare for the retirement of the baby-boom generation.”

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