November 14,2006

Baucus Pick Appointed To Social Security Advisory Board

Marsha Katz is Montanan with extensive background as an advocate for the disabled

Washington, DC – Acting on the recommendation of Senator Max Baucus, the rankingDemocrat on the Senate Finance Committee, Senate President pro tempore Ted Stevens(R-Alaska) today appointed Marsha Katz of Missoula, Montana to be a member of theSocial Security Advisory Board. The Social Security Advisory Board (SSAB) is anindependent, bipartisan board created by Congress to advise the President, the Congress,and the Commissioner of Social Security on matters related to the Social Security andSupplemental Security Income (SSI) programs.

“Marsha’s years of experience working as an advocate for Americans withdisabilities will be a huge asset to the Social Security Advisory Board,” Baucus said. “Marsha knows the Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Income Security programs inside and out, and I’m sure she’ll have an immediate effect onthe work of the advisory board.”

Marsha Katz has worked on disability rights for 25 years. She is currently employed asan Organizational Consultant for the Rural Institute at the University of Montana. Shepreviously served as Vice President of the Association for Community Advocacy in AnnArbor, Michigan. She is an experienced trainer in all aspects of the Social SecurityDisability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income programs.

Ms. Katz has written an advocacy manual on SSDI and SSI entitled “Don't Look forLogic,” published in 2003 by TRN Publishers, and formerly published by Arc Michigan(May 2000).

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