June 06,2006

Baucus on Social Security Comments

Senator who led fight against privatization in 2005 calls new push a “non-starter”

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.), Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee, issued the following statement in response to comments by Rep. Jim McCrery (R-La.), likely the next Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, calling for privatization of Social Security by Congress next year. Baucus led the successful 2005 fight to defeat White House proposals to privatize and endanger the vital program.

“Social Security privatization was a non-starter with the American people last year, no one could bring it up with a straight face this year, and it will be a non-starter next year, no matter who brings it up or when. Americans have made clear that they don’t want their safety net weakened by schemes that will put their retirement security at risk. There is already a host of vital issues that should be at the top of Congress’s agenda both now and next year, from the war in Iraq to exploding deficits to our failing health care system. We should turn away from the current trend of putting ideological wants before the American people’s needs, and leave Social Security unharmed.”
