May 30,2006

Baucus on Paulson Treasury Nomination

Finance Committee’s top Democrat calls Paulson “outstanding,” expresses hope for bipartisan cooperation

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.), Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee, released the following statement today upon the nomination of Hank Paulson for U.S. Treasury Secretary. Paulson has been chosen by the White House to replace retiring Secretary John Snow. The Senate Finance Committee will be responsible for Paulson’s confirmation hearing.

“Hank Paulson is an outstanding choice for Treasury Secretary. The Bush Administration can benefit greatly by taking Hank’s expert advice and restoring Treasury’s central role as the economic policy driver in the executive branch. His well-known ability to reach across the aisle gives me hope as well that Hank’s confirmation will mark a return to bipartisan cooperation between the Treasury Department and the Congress.”
