May 25,2006

Baucus Comments on Enron Convictions

Treasury ruling on refunds is good first step, reminder that laws need updating to consider technology advances, global competitiveness

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.), Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee today applauded a Treasury Department decision to provide refunds on the Federal telephone excise tax, and called for updating of the nation’s telecommunications statutes.

“I'm glad the Administration finally answered the call to refund improperly collected taxes to the American phone user. The telephone excise tax is a prime example of the need to overhaul our telecom laws, and particularly those tax provisions that have been rendered obsolete by the advancement of technology,” said Baucus. “Ensuring American competitiveness in the coming decades demands a comprehensive look at U.S. telecommunications law. I’ll be looking for fiscally responsible ways to eliminate antiquated statutes and create new, forward-looking policy that enhances America’s global competitiveness.”

Baucus, a strong advocate of policy changes that will improve America’s ability to compete in the global marketplace, says that a second-rate communications infrastructure will slow American innovation, and has called for sound changes to telecom law.
