November 17,2004

Baucus Praises Legislation Preventing Taxation Of Internet

Senator Says Internet Should Be Kept Free of Taxes

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) Today, U.S. Senator Max Baucus, Ranking Member of the SenateFinance Committee, applauded the Senate passage of S. 150, the Internet Tax Freedom Act.The legislation passed today will impose a moratorium on taxation of Internet access by statesuntil 2007. Baucus has led the debate to keep the Internet tax free.

“Keeping the Internet free from taxes is key to keeping it accessible for all,” Baucussaid. “The Internet is an important tool for creating good high paying jobs. I applaud thepassage of this bill.”

The bi-partisan bill was able to pass the Senate after two minor changes were adoptedincluding the reduction of the number of years for Wisconsin’s grandfather clause and exemptingline access fees from the moratorium.

Baucus emphad the Internet Tax Freedom Act is important for keepingcommunication services affordable in isolated rural areas. In addition, Baucus noted that the billprotects universal service and E-911.

“This bill continues to protect universal service, and E-911 fees, that are important toMontana and other rural states,” Baucus said. “These programs ensure that rural communitiesacross America continue to have access to crucial communications and public safety initiatives.”

The House of Representatives is expected to take up the bill tomorrow.