April 01,2003

Baucus Floor Statement upon Introduction of the Tax Court Modernization Act

Mr. President, I rise today to support the Tax Court Modernization Act. I am pleased tobe an original cosponsor of this important legislation.

In 1969, Congress elevated the U.S. Tax Court as a Federal court of record under ArticleI of the Constitution of the United States.

Congress created the Tax Court to provide a judicial forum in which affected personscould dispute tax deficiencies determined by the Commissioner of the Internal Re venue Serviceprior to payment of the disputed amounts. That means that the Tax Court’s jurisdictionalrequirements are, in part, a recognition that lower and middle income taxpayers cannotnecessarily pay the tax deficiency before taking their dispute to court.

Congress also closely linked the legislation governing the Tax Court with the lawsgoverning the Article III District Courts. Unfortunately, the Congress did not include the TaxCourt in the changes made for Article III courts.

This legislation is designed to restore parity between the Tax Court and Article III courts,and to modernize their personnel and pension systems.

I also want to thank Senators Breaux and Hatch for their efforts in moving this legislationforward. The Finance Committee intends to mark-up the Tax Court Modernization Acttomorrow. It is my hope that the Committee favorably reports the legislation. I also hope that,soon after Committee action, Majority Leader Frist and Minority Leader Daschle bring the TaxCourt Modernization Act to the floor for swift passage.