October 25,1999

Roth Delivers Tribute to Senator John Chafee

WASHINGTON -- Senate Finance Committee Chairman William V. Roth, Jr. (R-DE) today delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor:

"Mr. President, before I begin my remarks, I would like to say a few words about Senator John Chafee -- a remarkable man and a good friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with Senator Chafee's family, his wife Ginny and five children, as they pass through this difficult time.

"It can be said without hesitation that few individuals have served America with the distinction that Senator Chafee exhibited in his many years of public service.

"From his active duty in the Marine Corps -- where he saw action in both the Second World War and Korea -- to his early years as a member of the Rhode Island House of Representatives, to his years as Governor and his work as Secretary of the Navy, to his twenty-three years of service in the United States Senate, John's patriotism was beyond philosophical; it was pragmatic and concrete.

"He had a keen sense of duty -- a profound sense of responsibility. As a Senator, he knew his constituents, and he served them with such devotion that he was elected in 1976 and returned to Washington four times, despite the fact that he was a Republican in an overwhelmingly Democratic state. Much of his effectiveness was in his ability to find bipartisan cooperation, and to stand fast on issues that were important to the individuals and families he represented. Among these issues was a deep concern for the environment and for quality and affordable health care.

"He was a tireless advocate of the underprivileged and a strong proponent of American leadership and economic opportunity.

"I understand how important these issues were to John -- not only because we served for so many years as colleagues and friends on the Senate Finance Committee -- but because like John, I represent a small coastal state in the Northeast. Many of the issues and concerns we faced were the same. In fact, one of the great honors I've received as a Senator is to be given the Ansel Adams Award by the Wilderness Society.

"It's the highest award that prestigious organization gives out, and there are only two Republican Senators who have ever received it. And I must say that it was awarded to John first -- two or three years before me.

"Along with my colleagues, I am saddened by his death. But I am grateful for the time we spent together; I'm grateful for his leadership and example; I'm grateful for his supportive family. And along with all my colleagues, I express my condolences to them as well as my most profound gratitude for sharing Senator Chafee with America."