March 18,2009

Press Contact:

Dan Virkstis 202-224-4515

Baucus Floor Statement Regarding the Nomination of Ron Kirk to Be United States Trade Representative

Mr. President, Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “[T]he most advanced nations are always those who navigate the most.”

Today, the Senate considers the nomination of Mayor Ron Kirk to be United States Trade Representative.
As we consider this nomination, America is navigating a shifting economic landscape. And so are our trading partners.

As financial systems weaken, protectionist sentiments strengthen. As markets crumble, import barriers rise. And as jobs disappear, trade violations emerge.

Ron Kirk has been asked to navigate U.S. trade policy through these difficult waters. And to ensure that America keeps moving forward, he must navigate the right course.

Many feel that our trade policy has veered off course. They argue that the Government has not safeguarded our workers. They argue that the Government has not enforced our trade agreements. And they argue that the Government has not dismantled barriers to our exports.

I believe that Mayor Kirk will chart the right course. He understands that he must steady the tilting ship of public opinion. And he will do so by rebuilding America’s faith in the benefits of international trade.

He will remain constantly on the lookout for America’s workers. He will shine a spotlight on trade violations.

He will vigilantly enforce our international agreements. And he will speed our economic recovery by opening markets for American exports.

So let us chart the right course on international trade. Let us rebuild America’s faith in our trade policy. And let us confirm Ron Kirk to be United States Trade Representative.
