February 07,2008

Baucus Floor Statement Regarding the Economic Stimulus Agreement

This is a victory.

The agreement before us is a victory for 20 million seniors. They came of age in the
Great Depression and during World War II. They have been called the Greatest

They fought for their country. They gave a lifetime of labor. They gave a lifetime of
service. They paid a lifetime of taxes. And they contribute to the economy today.
And now they will get stimulus checks, too, just like other Americans. Today is another
victory for the Greatest Generation.

Today’s agreement is a victory for a quarter million disabled veterans. No one can
question their sacrifice. No one can question their contribution. They have fought for
America. Today is a victory for disabled veterans.

Today’s agreement is a victory for the rule of law. That’s because the agreement ensures
that the stimulus checks will go to Americans. It guards against sending checks to people
who have violated our nation’s immigration laws.

Today’s agreement is a victory for the Founding Fathers, who created the Senate and who
created the Finance Committee. There were those who said that we should just take what
the House of Representatives told us to take. There were those who said that we should
just take what the White House told us to take.

But our Founding Fathers created a legislature with two chambers. The Founding Fathers
created a government with checks and balances. Today is a victory for those of us who
want the United States Congress to work as the Founders intended it.

Today’s agreement is a victory for open government. The elements of this agreement
came out of the open process of the Senate Finance Committee. Americans need not
settle for the products of backroom deals. Legislation gets better when people meet in the
open and debate it in the open. That’s what we did in the Senate Finance Committee.

And today’s agreement is a victory for open government.

Today’s agreement is a victory for moderates. Today’s agreement is a victory for men
and women of good will like Chuck Grassley, Blanche Lincoln, Olympia Snowe.

Today’s agreement is a victory for people who were willing to reach across the aisle and
work with other people of goodwill, even if they belong to another political party.

Today’s agreement is a victory for people of courage, who were willing to buck their
party’s leadership, to buck the administration, for a better America. Today’s agreement
is a victory for people willing to stand up for what they think is right. Senator Grassley
and I will remember who stood with us.

Today’s agreement is a victory for a better, more effective economic stimulus.
Economists agree that consumer spending, fueled by tax rebates, can boost America’s
economy. And Americans over age 65 spend 92 percent of their incomes in any given
year. They will spend their rebate checks quickly. And that will boost the economy

Most of all, today’s agreement is a victory for the American people. Today’s agreement
will speed rebate checks to the overwhelming majority of Americans, giving them needed
tax relief. Today is a victory for the American people.

I thank my Colleagues for their support of this package. I thank my Colleagues for their
help in crafting it along the way. And I urge the Senate to adopt it right away.
