July 15,2008

Baucus Floor Remarks In Support Of A Veto Override Veto Of H.R.6331 - "The Medicare Improvements For Patients And Providers Act"

Sometimes when Senators vote in this chamber, the real-world results of our actions are unclear.

But tonight, we can make a real-world difference for 44 million American seniors, and for nine million TRICARE users in America’s military families.

In less than an hour, the Senate will vote to override the President’s veto of the Medicare bill.

Here is the difference that our votes will make:

Will doctors’ doors stay open to older Americans, and to the children of our fighting men and women?

Our votes tonight, will make the difference.

Will seniors living on a shoestring, and those in rural areas, be able to get decent health care when hospitals are few and far between?

Our votes tonight, will make that difference.

Will the ambulances keep running? Will the medicines be covered by Medicare prescription drug plans?

Our votes tonight, will make all the difference.

The President made his decision. His veto of the Medicare bill would shut the doctor’s door to seniors and military families, and all on ideological grounds.

My bill does good things for seniors. It makes Medicare better for every beneficiary. And it’s time to enact it into law.

The House has already voted to override the veto. Overwhelmingly – 383 to 41.

Folks in my home state of Montana know I’m going to do what’s right, and vote to make the Medicare bill law – for Montana seniors and for our 32,000 folks in TRICARE.

Today I told a large rally of folks supporting this bill… reversing the cuts that keep our seniors and military families from seeing their doctors will be our finest hour.

I hope – and expect – that the Senate will stand together, just as our colleagues across the Capitol have done.

Senators of all parties have one more chance to make all the difference.

Let’s do what’s right for seniors.

Let’s do what’s right for military families.

Let’s do what’s right for America. Let’s do it together – and enact the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act tonight.
