February 10,2009

Press Contact:

Dan Virkstis, (202)224-4515

Baucus Floor Statement Regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Mr. President, in each of the last three months, more than half a million mothers and fathers came home to tell their families that they had lost their jobs.

In each of the last three months, more than half a million breadwinners came to terms with the news that they were no longer gainfully employed.

In each of the last three months, more than half a million Americans suddenly had to make do with much less.

Bad as that news is, the year ahead looks no better. Job losses have accelerated to a rate not seen in nearly three decades. And economists warn that other shoes are bound to drop.

These are times that frighten even seasoned managers. These are circumstances that concern even bullish economists.

The history of the 1920s and 1930s teaches us that we must act. The history of the Great Depression teaches us the costs of delay.

We must act, to replace some of the trillions of dollars in demand that the private sector lacks. We must act, to support those who, through no fault of their own, have been thrown onto the rolls of the unemployed. We must act to prevent the economy from spiraling deeper into recession.

The road before us is clear. We must pass the economic recovery and reinvestment legislation before us today. We must speedily resolve our differences with the House of Representatives. And we must get this bill to the President for signature without delay.

The bill before us would create or save three to four million jobs. The fate of millions of mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, wives and husbands depends on what we do here today.
Every generation must face its own challenge. Responding to this economic emergency is ours. Let us not be found wanting.

Let us pass this bill and ensure that millions more mothers and fathers will not have to come home to tell their families that they have lost their jobs.

Let us pass this bill to ensure that millions more bread winners will not have to come to terms with unemployment.

And let us pass this bill and rise to the economic challenge of our generation.
