July 14,2009

Baucus Statement following Finance Committee Hearing on Key Administration Nominees


To: Reporters and editors
From: Dan Virkstis for Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.)
Re: Baucus statement following Finance Committee hearing on key Administration nominees

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) commented today following a hearing to consider the nomination of William Wilkins to be Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service and Assistant General Counsel for the Department of Treasury; Daniel Tangherlini to be Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Management and Chief Financial Officer; Rosa Rios to be U.S. Treasurer; and Carmen Nazario to be Assistant Secretary of Health for Children and Families. Baucus expressed support for the appointments and confidence in each nominee’s professional achievement and ability to address the vital issues facing the United States.

“Today, Senators had an opportunity to ask questions of four talented Presidential nominees. The Senate should move quickly to confirm these nominees so they can help our efforts to secure our economic recovery and assist America’s families. Mr. Wilkins, in particular, is a Finance Committee alumnus who knows well what will be expected of him in his new position and I am certain he is up to the many tasks at hand, including the collection of legally-owed, but unpaid, tax dollars that comprise the $345 billion tax gap,” Baucus said. “I am confident each of these nominees has the ability, expertise, and leadership to strengthen their respective agencies, protect American taxpayers and ensure the health and well-being of American families at a time of critical importance to our nation. I encourage my colleagues to move the confirmation process swiftly, and I look forward to working with each nominee once confirmed.”
