Full Committee Hearing

Roundtable Discussion on Expanding Health Care Coverage

Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Time: 10:00 AM Location: 106 Dirksen Senate Office Building

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Member Statements

  1. Senator Max Baucus (D - MT)
  2.  Chuck Grassley (R - IA)


  1. Stuart Butler, Ph.D.
    Vice President, Domestic and Economic Policy Studies
    The Heritage Foundation
    Washington , DC
  2. John Castellani
    Business Roundtable
    Washington , DC
  3. Gary Claxton
    Vice President and Director of the Health Care Marketplace Project
    Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
    Washington , DC
  4. Donald Danner
    President and CEO
    National Federation of Independent Business
    Washington , DC
  5. Jennie Chin Hansen, R.N., M.S., F.A.A.N
    Washington , DC
  6. Karen Ignagni
    President and CEO
    America's Health Insurance Plan
    Washington , DC
  7. R. Bruce Josten
    Executive Vice President, Government Affairs
    United States Chamber of Commerce
    Washington , DC
  8. Len Nichols, Ph.D.
    Director, Health Policy Program
    New America Foundation
    Washington , DC
  9. Ron Pollack, J.D.
    Executive Director
    Families USA
    Washington , DC
  10. Sandy Praeger
    Chair of the Health Insurance and Managed Care Committee
    National Association of Insurance Commissioners
    Washington , DC
  11. Sara Rosenbaum, J.D.
    Chair of the Department of Health Policy
    George Washington School of Public Health and Health Services
    Washington , DC
  12. Diane Rowland, Sc.D
    Executive Vice President
    Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
    Washington , DC
  13. Raymond Scheppach, Ph.D.
    Executive Director
    National Governors Association
    Washington , DC
  14. Scott Serota
    President and Chair Executive Officer
    Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
    Washington , DC
  15. Andy Stern
    Service Employees International Union
    Washington , DC

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Senate Committee on Finance
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Rm. SD-219
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