Full Committee Hearing

Retirement Savings 2.0: Updating Savings Policy for the Modern Economy

Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Time: 10:00 AM Location: 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building

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Due to transportation issues, Ms. Ellen Schultz was unable to testify before the committee.  Her written testimony appears below as if delivered.

Member Statements

  1.  Ron Wyden (D - OR)
  2.  Orrin G. Hatch (R - UT)


  1. Mr. John C. Bogle
    Founder and Former CEO
    Valley Forge , PA
  2. Dr. Brian Reid
    Chief Economist
    Investment Company Institute
    Washington , DC
  3. Mr. Scott Betts
    Senior Vice President
    National Benefit Services
    West Jordan , UT
  4. Dr. Brigitte C. Madrian
    Aetna Professor of Public Policy and Corporate Management
    Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government
    Cambridge , MA
  5. Mr. Andrew G. Biggs, Ph.D
    Resident Scholar
    American Enterprise Institute
    Washington , DC
  6. Ms. Ellen Schultz
    Author and Investigative Reporter
    formerly with The Wall Street Journal
    New York , NY

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 How do I submit a statement for the record?

Any individual or organization wanting to present their views for inclusion in the hearing record should submit in a Word document, a single-spaced statement, not exceeding 10 pages in length. No other file type will be accepted for inclusion. Title and date of the hearing, and the full name and address of the individual or organization must appear on the first page of the statement. Statements must be received no later than two weeks following the conclusion of the hearing. Non-compliant submissions will not be accepted. Submissions are not reviewed by policy staff.

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Senate Committee on Finance
Attn. Editorial and Document Section
Rm. SD-219
Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510-6200