Full Committee Hearing

Regarding U.S. - Cuba Economic Relations

Date: Thursday, September 4, 2003 Time: 10:00 AM Location: 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building

There was no video broadcast for this event.

Member Statements

  1.  Chuck Grassley (R - IA)
  2. Senator Max Baucus (D - MT)


Panel I

  1. The Honorable Alan Larson
    Under Secretary
    Department of State
    Washington , DC
  2. The Honorable Grant Aldonas
    Under Secretary for International Trade
    United States Department of Commerce
    Washington , DC

Panel II

  1. The Honorable Dennis Hayes
    Ambassador & Executive Vice President
    Cuban American National Foundation
    Washington , DC
  2. Wayne Smith
    Senior Fellow
    Center for International Policy
    Washington , DC
  3. Mark Falcoff
    Resident Scholar
    American Enterprise Institute
    Washington , DC
  4. Tom Malinowski
    Washignton Advocacy Director
    Human Rights Watch
    Washington , DC

Panel III

  1. William Reinsch
    National Foreign Trade Council
    Washington , DC
  2. Richard Owen
    Agricultural Producer
    Cenex Harvest States Cooperatives
    Geraldine , MT
  3. William Messina, Jr.
    Professor of Economics
    University of Florida
    Gainsville , FL
  4. Philip Peters
    Vice President
    Lexington Institute
    Arlington , VA

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