Full Committee Hearing

Proposals To Achieve Sustainable Solvency, With and Without Personal Accounts

Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 Time: 10:00 AM Location: 628 Dirksen Senate Office Building

There was no video broadcast for this event.

Member Statements

  1.  Chuck Grassley (R - IA)
  2. Senator Max Baucus (D - MT)


Panel I

  1. Robert Pozen
    MFS Investment Management
    Boston , MA
  2. Michael Tanner
    Project on Social Security Choice, Cato Institute
    Washington , DC
  3. Peter Ferrara
    Senior Fellow, Director
    Institute for Policy Innovation, Social Security Project, Free Enterprise Fund
    Washington , DC
  4. Dr. Peter Orszag
    Joseph A. Pechman Senior Fellow, Deputy Director, Economic Studies
    The Brookings Institution
    Washington , DC
  5. Joan Entmacher
    Vice President
    Family Economic Security, National Women's Law Center
    Washington , DC

Related Files

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