Joint Full Committee Hearing

Innovative Financing: Beyond the Highway Trust Fund to Explore Alternatives for Financing our Surface Transportation System

Joint Hearing Between the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Environment and Public Works Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 Time: 09:30 AM Location: 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building


Committee on Finance and Committee on Environment and Public Works

Joint Full Committee Hearing on

"Innovative Financing: Beyond the Highway Trust Fund"
Hearing to examine transportation's trail blazing role in public/private partnerships

Member Statements

  1. Senator Max Baucus (D - MT)
  2.  Chuck Grassley (R - IA)


  1. The Honorable Janice Hahn
    City of Los Angeles
    Los Angeles , CA
  2. Jeff Carey
    Managing Director
    Merrill Lynch and Co., Inc.
    New York , NY
  3. JayEtta Hecker
    Director of Physical Infrastructure Issues
    United States General Accounting Office
    Washington , DC
  4. John Horsley
    Executive Director
    American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
    Washington , DC
  5. The Honorable Peter Rahn
    New Mexico Department of Transportation
    Santa Fe , NM
  6. Phyllis Scheinberg
    Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget Programs
    Department of Transportation
    Washington , DC
  7. David Seltzer
    Distinguished Practitioner
    Mercator Advisors
    Philadelphia , PA

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Senate Committee on Finance
Attn. Editorial and Document Section
Rm. SD-219
Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510-6200