Subcommittee Hearing

GPO and WEP: Policies Affecting Pensions from Work Not Covered by Social Security

Subcommittee on Social Security, Pensions, and Family Policy Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2007 Time: 02:30 PM Location: 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Member Statements

  1.  John F. Kerry (D - MA)
  2.  John Ensign (R - NV)


Panel I

  1. The Honorable Susan Collins
    United States Senator
    State of Maine

Panel II

  1. Margaret Kane
    Retired Teacher
    Medford , MA
  2. Barbara Bovbjerg, M.A.
    Director, Education, Workforce and Income Security Issues
    United States Government Accountability Office
    Washington , DC
  3. Priya Mathur
    Board of Administration Member
    CalPERS, AFSCME Local 3993
    Sacramento , CA
  4. Lawrence Thompson
    Senior Fellow
    The Urban Institute
    Washington , DC

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 How do I submit a statement for the record?

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Senate Committee on Finance
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Rm. SD-219
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