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Table for Letters
Date News Item
October 2017
acrobat101017 Wyden Letter to HHS Treasury on OK 1332
September 2017
acrobat092217 SFC Dem letter to Chairman Hatch on Hearing Room
June 2017
acrobat062917 Wyden Letter to HHS Ethics Official on Verma Arkansas Call
acrobat061317 Wyden-Murray-Neal-Pallone Letter to Comptroller Dodaro re HHS Social Media Lobbying
acrobat061317 Wyden-Murray-Neal-Pallone Letter to GAO Comptroller Dodaro on HHS Social Media Lobbying
May 2017
acrobat051617 Wyden Brown McCaskill Letter to GAO Comptroller Dodaro on CFIUS Examination of Real Estate Transaction
acrobat051117 Wyden Letter to Treasury Sec Mnuchin on Infrastructure
acrobat050517 Wyden Letter to HHS Secretary Price on FDA Opioid Prescriber Working Group
acrobat050517 Wyden Letter to HHS Secretary Price on FDA Opioid Prescriber Working Group
April 2017
acrobat042717 Wyden Letter to OGE Director Shaub on Ivanka Trump
acrobat040717 Wyden Letter to HHS Counsel Davis on HMA recusal
acrobat040517 Wyden Letter to IRS Commissioner Rettig on Resources
March 2017
acrobatWyden Shaub Letter on Mnuchin RPD Comments
acrobat031717 Wyden Letter to HHS Acting Gen Counsel Davis on Verma Ethics
acrobat030417 Wyden Pallone Letter to HHS Sec Price on Medicaid Flexibility
  of 11

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